Monday, August 25, 2008

You make your Day!!

this thought came across my mind.. when i was disturbed by some issues....

we fill our minds with so much negativity and doubt tat every morning we begin the day with something negative or doubt .. so when the day goes bad we blame on the person whom we saw first in the morning.. the breakfast what you had , u didn't like it...... you missed your train by few seconds.... your boss was there in the office angrily looking for you... the list of mishaps goes on...
recently saw the advertisement of Moov pain balm..(importance of Ek Minute) lovely concept .. just because what you wanted didn't happen you blame it on every one and every thing...

what to do in such situation.. as we face this almost everyday... in my hostel almost every other day some people have to face this situation... then their whole day goes in cribbing or playing the balblame game.....

we love to have nice energize our body .. we breathe to keep ourselves going on.. have you ever checked keeping you hands below your nostrils to clarify whether you are breathing.....NO!! tat thing keeps on happening you need not worry .. so you feed your heart with oxygen... we take SO much efforts to look good.. etc etc etc...
what do we do for our mind... we fill in with all then things that people have told us about someone.. about ourselves, about any damn topic that is of no relevance to you.....
when we know tat its of no use we still keep holding on to just strike my mind... we never keep the garbage in our house , we throw it away... so why do we keep holding what people have told holding on it you who is getting affected not anyone else... you make your day ...!!

you are master of your day.. no one else has any thing to do with what you want? how you look ? or for that matter how you should look?

So Friends make your day the best day of your life...
we live a life for a short time.. so live life to its fullest..
this reminds of one quote that i had read some where..
it goes like this...
Live life as if its your last day.

Dance as if no one is watching you.

Work as if you don't need Money.

Love as if you don't care of Heart break.

and then see how much lovely your life turns to be.... :) :)
fill your life with all fun loving people as well have time to fill lives of others with fun and love..

every one tells Make Your Smile a Million Dollar$$...

Ahh this i will tell in next post ,.... how to go about the Million dollar concept $$...

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