Friday, November 28, 2008

Tolerance!! with HOPE !!

for past few years ..
we all mumbaikars have been witnessing the high level of terrorist attacks.. in trains, in markets,in public places, in main commercial centers, and now in 5 star hotels... they come from no where and everything is shattered...

in their attacks the innocent civilians loose their lives..... some are kids, some are older people, some are the only bread earners of their houses,some are the people who gaurd us (soldiers, policemen, defense officials) while some are the top notch people in the society......

they use grenade bombs, they use AK47, they blow up taxis, they blow up airports, they use railway compartments, they even use tiffin boxes.....
they come through air , they come in trains and now they came through sea ...

they have hit us and are still hitting us...
we all are patiently witnessing it for long long time now..

they can be kids between 20-25 years of age, they can be big time criminals, they can be wnted by the Interpol, they can be anyone who are being hunted by all the police force worldwide...
but all they do is come hit and go...
the losers are we the people... who are been victimised for the reason even we dnt kno......

everyday anyone goes out of the house for work they hope to return home safely to have dinner with their family, to play with they kids, to go for a film with their spouse, to meet their parents....

all our life runs in hope...
we dunno wht will happen in the next moment.......
we sleep at night in a HOPE to see the sunrise tomorrow morning....
we breathe in air in a HOPE to breathe it out (i.e to be alive till the next breathe we take)
we struggle at work in a HOPE to keep our family happy
we study in a HOPE to make a bright future.....
all we do is HOPE HOPE and HOPE..
thats the only driving force within us....
thats the only motive for our survival...

so never lose hope...
believe in one thing...
if a thing has to happen it will happen, may what come..
if a thing has to change it will change...
its an uncontrollable factor ... nothing is in our hands...
the only thing we can do is keep doing good deeds, spreading love, gifting a smile for the one who has lost it, and finally having faith in GOD......

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