Saturday, December 6, 2008

Global Crisis

There are a huge crisis,
Major impact is on the increasing prices.

Many jobs are lost,
Who knows who will bare the cost.

Prices have increased for basic good,
Its going to be difficult even to have one time food.

Recession has affected many countries,
Each passing time seems to be centuries.

Students are sitting ideal,
Hoping to get through the current tidal.

We make many compromises,
All because of the increasing prices.

Major companies across the globe are going bankrupt,
Even in this situation politicians are tagged corrupt.

People are investing in education,
Because its the only thing ahead that will give them motivation.

Society is losing faith in stock market,
As they keep losing money out of their pocket.

Top officials get involved in fraud case,
The world watches them, as the police chase.

Poor are becoming poorer
At the same time rich one's go on a foreign tour.

Oh God! Please make this situation better,
Before everything ends up in a complete disaster...

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