Saturday, December 6, 2008

Global Crisis

There are a huge crisis,
Major impact is on the increasing prices.

Many jobs are lost,
Who knows who will bare the cost.

Prices have increased for basic good,
Its going to be difficult even to have one time food.

Recession has affected many countries,
Each passing time seems to be centuries.

Students are sitting ideal,
Hoping to get through the current tidal.

We make many compromises,
All because of the increasing prices.

Major companies across the globe are going bankrupt,
Even in this situation politicians are tagged corrupt.

People are investing in education,
Because its the only thing ahead that will give them motivation.

Society is losing faith in stock market,
As they keep losing money out of their pocket.

Top officials get involved in fraud case,
The world watches them, as the police chase.

Poor are becoming poorer
At the same time rich one's go on a foreign tour.

Oh God! Please make this situation better,
Before everything ends up in a complete disaster...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tolerance!! with HOPE !!

for past few years ..
we all mumbaikars have been witnessing the high level of terrorist attacks.. in trains, in markets,in public places, in main commercial centers, and now in 5 star hotels... they come from no where and everything is shattered...

in their attacks the innocent civilians loose their lives..... some are kids, some are older people, some are the only bread earners of their houses,some are the people who gaurd us (soldiers, policemen, defense officials) while some are the top notch people in the society......

they use grenade bombs, they use AK47, they blow up taxis, they blow up airports, they use railway compartments, they even use tiffin boxes.....
they come through air , they come in trains and now they came through sea ...

they have hit us and are still hitting us...
we all are patiently witnessing it for long long time now..

they can be kids between 20-25 years of age, they can be big time criminals, they can be wnted by the Interpol, they can be anyone who are being hunted by all the police force worldwide...
but all they do is come hit and go...
the losers are we the people... who are been victimised for the reason even we dnt kno......

everyday anyone goes out of the house for work they hope to return home safely to have dinner with their family, to play with they kids, to go for a film with their spouse, to meet their parents....

all our life runs in hope...
we dunno wht will happen in the next moment.......
we sleep at night in a HOPE to see the sunrise tomorrow morning....
we breathe in air in a HOPE to breathe it out (i.e to be alive till the next breathe we take)
we struggle at work in a HOPE to keep our family happy
we study in a HOPE to make a bright future.....
all we do is HOPE HOPE and HOPE..
thats the only driving force within us....
thats the only motive for our survival...

so never lose hope...
believe in one thing...
if a thing has to happen it will happen, may what come..
if a thing has to change it will change...
its an uncontrollable factor ... nothing is in our hands...
the only thing we can do is keep doing good deeds, spreading love, gifting a smile for the one who has lost it, and finally having faith in GOD......

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Festival of light!!!!


Here comes the most awaited festival of the year..DIWALI...
Diwali has been a festival which is very special to me for many reasons....
new clothes, mouth watering sweets and guaranteed fun.
i still remember the school days when we used to have Diwali Holidays and all my friends used to gather in the building terrace to help the uncle's in making a giant Kandill (lantern) ..
the time seemed endless.. and finally seeing the completed elegant looking kandil standing tall above the ground..
on the day of Diwali we all used to get up before the surise wear the new clothes that we have been waiting to wear since a long time..
Bursting crackers was a fun... the flower pots, Zameen Chakkar, Laxmi Bomb, Sutli ..

Later in the afternoon distributing sweets to neighbours was another thing tat i thoroughly enjoyed... only because i got to eat a variety of sweets, Chakalli's and Ladoos...
then mom and i used to make huge Rangolis.. another thing i simply loved Seeing ...everyone will be busy right from the afternoon in making beautiful and huge rangolis in front of their houses....

then later in the evening the whole family used to be together to celebrate diwali i.e bursting crackers again...
then till late night we friends used to lie on the terrace and gaze at the sky watching beautiful rockets tat lightened up the sky ....

wow!!! what were those days... simply awesome..

slowly the thrill of crackers, new clothes, sweets rangoli started reducing and these days i hear people saying no to crackers as its harming health as well as the environment...
true to the sense of Diwali its a festival of Lights.. so sticking to the name these days i have diwali as a festival of lights ...
instead of crackers i have candles and diyas tat change the look of my home.. they make my home more divine.. the light tat the diyas give out is something i enjoy to watch these days....
but the rangolis still hold the same position .. the things tat has changed is tat then i used to watch my mom making them and now a days i help her in making them.....
dresses how can i forget, i got 3 this year :))

and then i used to enjoy the festival completely and now i have to compromise it with my Exams. :(
but still its fun in its own way ......

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Story....

A story which i heard a long time ago....
the narration below tells us that how we have started giving importance to the luxuries of life...when we all know that the most precious things in life are for FREE!!

While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked stone & scratched lines on the side of the car...
In anger, the man took the child's hand & hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench.
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father....
With painful eyes he asked 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?'
Man was so hurt and speechless. He went back to car and kicked it a lot of times.
Devastated by his own actions...... sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches, child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'.
The next day that man committed suicide. . .

Anger and Love have no limits; choose the later to have a beautiful & lovely life....

Things are to be used and people are to be loved,
But the problem in today's world is that,
People are used and things are loved.......

Thursday, October 2, 2008

People being Props!!!

this is a thought that has been in my mind since a long long time.. never thought will have to put it up in form of words...
as in my earlier post i has written that - Things are to be used and people are to be loved,
But we people are used and things are loved.......
when we think on this issue, it holds so true... we don't care for the people who care for us rather we take them for granted and use them for our own benefits.once their job is done they are their own way...
i categorize people in two categories ... first are the one's who want to do something great in life and second are the ones who wont let these people do anything...
this leads to a conflicting behavior..
we do good for people whom we care,but when they do not realize it .. it Hurts...
this pain is more than anything else...

when we start expecting many things from people we start to categorize them.. and when they donot meet our expectation ;level we get hurt... tats when people start hating each other...

Relationships are most complex things to handle and humans are the most complicated species.
i believe each one of us is a specie in himself.. because every one of is special in one self... the time we start accepting this fact all will be great between people..

so this thoughthas got no conclusion.. just that start accepting people as they are them for wht they did to u when u neede them.. donot judge them on basis of any one aspect....
Respect the fact "One world One Family"

Monday, September 1, 2008

My first YES! + Advance Course

Jai Gurudev!!!
after doing Utsav Act I with Bawa and Dinesh da.. i very strongly wnted to go for the advance course in ban galore Ashram..... bt i alwasy felt it will be really difficult to comvince dad and mom to let me go.... my sis Kirti made this thing easier for me.. she tried every possible way and finally with Guruji's grace dad agreed to send me. I registered myself the very next day.... was soo enthralled that i could feel hundred of flowers blossoming inside me...
finally the day came.. and i was there in front of the ashram gate... i could sense my heart pounding a ten times than it usually does... it all was soo unbelievable that i am at the place where i wanted to be since how long.....

the next morning we got up did kriya in the beautiful VISHALAKSHI MANDAP it was soo serene in it.. how many people must have meditated in it .. how many courses have been conducted here and to top it all Guruji's here...

All along the way i had heard about kitchen in ashram bt i could finally see it today... it was a huge dinning hall even after so many people finished with breakfast it looked as if it was just open ... i saw many Ashramites cleaning the utensils... Sundar Anna the Annadaata here requested us to do Seva in kitchen and as we were new to the place all 40 participants of us decided to help in kitchen.. the Veggies .... my God soo fresh i could believe the size of carrots and bottle guard, beans...(couldn't take a pic or else...)
finishing cutting veggies for lunch we decided to take a tour of Ashram.. without going much into technicalities ... ashram is spread on beautiful landscape of 150 acres full of greenary and beautiful scenic ...
from Kashyapa to Sumeru Mandap all seemed soo blissful .. we also could see Guruji's Previous Kutir (shakti Kutir) wow.. we even saw Bawa and Dinesh da's Kutir(Vishwamitra Kutir)

by this it was 1 and it was Lunchtime... in my whole life time i had never had my food without masala and onions.. but here no masala no onions even then the food tasted soo Divine (as Bawa states it rightly) enjoyed the divine and soo soo tasty food ... we decided to venture out the Divine shop that is a store for cassettes Cd's and books and knowledge books by Guruji.

By this time it was time to go to the River Side.. tats a place please don't miss if u go to ashram.... along side of Radha Kunj.. its a garden designed in a peculiar fashion with roses, flowers and fountains and artificial water falls.. that a treat for eyes...

then came dinner (divine as the lunch with a Payasam)followed by Satsang.. which is another energiser in AOL Courses..

Day 1 went on blissfully it was time to sleep as the next day we had to gget up at 4.00am .. the excitement level was still more high as the main course was yet to begin and i was eagerly waiting for it....
about the course experiance will tell in next post... :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bachchpan Ke Din..

Like many others even i have had a totally fun filled and awesome many i have had my routines too... lying to mom to not go to school,pretending as if u r ill when you have not done your homework, running away from mom when she got you milk , stealing mangoes from trees from neighboring building....

Everyone has his/her own story to narrate.. we may have many many things but certain few stay forever in our minds and hearts...
so i put up my part here..

.. making greetings for your dad's birthday and keeping it in the place where he will look first when he is awake...

.. coming from school and so happily narrating the whole day's happening to mom..

.. when we used to used Camlin flora pencils and the Natraj sharpeners and Smiley erasers

.. saving money to gift your mom with a nice perfume or dad with a pen..

.. fighting with brother just because he took your pencil and lost it somewhere..

.. waiting for clock to strike 4 o clock so that you can escape from doing loads of homework. and go to play till its late night..

.. game for us used to be hide and seek , river and mountain, running race, colour colour which do u want, fire and the mountain RUN RUN RUN!!, blind man's buff etc..

.. TV was meant for Chayageet on Sundays night 9pm and Mougli at 12 pm on Saturdays.

.. lying on the terrace and gazing at the uncountable stars..

.. stealing biscuits from kitchen to feed the puppy in the building..

.. colouring and painting was like a ritual daily..

..tables were like nightmare two ones are two... two two's are four..

..outing on weekends was visit to temple and a dinner outside at a small Udupi hotel.. followed by an vanilla cup ice-cream..
.. used to beg mom to give 5o paise to get Jumbo chewing gum..

..bribe to do the homework was a visit to garden in the locality..

.. playing Kitchen Set was the only worth thing we did in the vacations

..when we never wore flashy clothes .. the only dress was frocks which i wore with Love in Tokyo tucked to my hair (even i dunno why did they call it so)..

.....when we laughed at silly things.. we fought because your friend didn't let u play the game.. and tat anger was for fraction of seconds..
when we enjoyed every bit of life may what come.. we laughed, we cried we shared , we cared..

the Song in Taare Zaamen Par rightly says: "Bachachapan ke Din Chaar , Na Ayenge Baar Baar, Jeele Jeele Mere yaar, Jeeb Khali toh Udhar.. :) :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

You make your Day!!

this thought came across my mind.. when i was disturbed by some issues....

we fill our minds with so much negativity and doubt tat every morning we begin the day with something negative or doubt .. so when the day goes bad we blame on the person whom we saw first in the morning.. the breakfast what you had , u didn't like it...... you missed your train by few seconds.... your boss was there in the office angrily looking for you... the list of mishaps goes on...
recently saw the advertisement of Moov pain balm..(importance of Ek Minute) lovely concept .. just because what you wanted didn't happen you blame it on every one and every thing...

what to do in such situation.. as we face this almost everyday... in my hostel almost every other day some people have to face this situation... then their whole day goes in cribbing or playing the balblame game.....

we love to have nice energize our body .. we breathe to keep ourselves going on.. have you ever checked keeping you hands below your nostrils to clarify whether you are breathing.....NO!! tat thing keeps on happening you need not worry .. so you feed your heart with oxygen... we take SO much efforts to look good.. etc etc etc...
what do we do for our mind... we fill in with all then things that people have told us about someone.. about ourselves, about any damn topic that is of no relevance to you.....
when we know tat its of no use we still keep holding on to just strike my mind... we never keep the garbage in our house , we throw it away... so why do we keep holding what people have told holding on it you who is getting affected not anyone else... you make your day ...!!

you are master of your day.. no one else has any thing to do with what you want? how you look ? or for that matter how you should look?

So Friends make your day the best day of your life...
we live a life for a short time.. so live life to its fullest..
this reminds of one quote that i had read some where..
it goes like this...
Live life as if its your last day.

Dance as if no one is watching you.

Work as if you don't need Money.

Love as if you don't care of Heart break.

and then see how much lovely your life turns to be.... :) :)
fill your life with all fun loving people as well have time to fill lives of others with fun and love..

every one tells Make Your Smile a Million Dollar$$...

Ahh this i will tell in next post ,.... how to go about the Million dollar concept $$...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trip to Matheran !!

After taking break for one year i got admission in Aicar Business School, Matheran. when i say tat i am at Matheran people say "we go for picnic there and you are going to study and have fun filed two years" . The idea of joining the college, the hostel life, new set of friends kept me excited me for one whole month.

Finally on 1st July we were officially introduced to the college management, the Trustees,the Faculties and so the Induction programme commenced...there was a Tree Plantation Programme. The concept being that we were told before plating tree was that - you have to nurture you tree as you take care of your self. The concept touched me .... How different can people think ....

The place around was superb.. As far you can see , you will see only greenery and beautiful Hills of Matheran....after staying in crowded Mumbai and suddenly you are here where u cant see any tall buildings , no nice of honking vehicles, not traffic, the most importantly Nature favors you... what else can you want to be at a place and study, the perfect place for everything...

Well days went by and we were anxiously waiting for the Trek to Matheran that was part of our first Learning By Doing(LBD) concept... So on 5th July we were ready at 7.00am. Everyone was soo thrilled that even the tasteless Breakfast didn't bother anyone.. we got in the cab that was waiting for us in the campus... just before getting in the cab i took a look at the mountains which is directly visbile from our campus.. what a perfect weather it was drizzling rains, wet roads and again the lush greenery all all around.. we got to Dahasturi Naka the place where the cab left us... everyone was totally enjoying the beauty of nature as well as the fun of being on a trek on this rainy day..

it was just 8.00 and the groups in which we were split for some activity had started walking ahead.... My group was the last to move.. so we began with our favorite past time "Photo Session"

we had to reach Matheran Station in half an hour... by 10 we were there.... another photo session and we got instructions from our faculties to go to the Echo Point which was another 1hr walk from the place we were....
so in groups we starting walking towards Echo point

on the way we saw the most beautiful scenery, it was raining by now ... we were all wet but were still enjoying it throughly....

Echo point was an excotic, fantastic one.. I really fall short of words to describe the beauty that i saw there....
i was fully covered with fog. the uncountable big and samll water falls.. the mountains covered with dew dripped grass... oh! man what a place......
as it was echo pint everyone tried to echo their voices.. bt all in vain as the valley was covered with fog and to top it all it was raining... but it was a spledid thing to be...

From there we had another point to go called The Luisa Point..
walking walking here we come.. sometimes stumbling upon rocks sometimes escaping the horse that pass by... at a point there we saw a small stream .. at that point ity stricked me to do something dreative.. we stepped in the stream with our left foot in the circular form.. and there went the pic BRANDED FOOTSTEPS i call it.

we walked and walked for another hour to reach th4 most beautiful place i have ever witnessed.
the whole valley could be seen .. it was then i realised that we were just opposite to the echo point .. we had travlled a semicircular path.... from here on one side was the thane Region which was hardly visible on the other side was the Waterfalls (couldnt count how many they were).

after nicely and peacefully sinking the beauty of environment we played a game called the Famous Tug Of War.

after that all of us came back to the point we had started from to do buy some Chikkis whch is quite famous there and then the Lunch was served.. hot hot Chapattis with Paneer Tikka and yummy Kheer... oh how Tasty lunch.....

we returned to the taxi stand by walking down through the railway line ( it is closed during the rains no trains pass ) and then totally filled with the thrill, we headed back to college...... :) :) :)

i would suggest that every one atleast once should come to this heaven on earth... for adventure as well as total Dhamaal...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hello World!!!!!!!!

Not long time from now I decided that some day i will start blogging... may be now its the right time.. u can see many posts of things, events, hmm or anything that catches my attention , i like or i don't like...well soon i will start posting... till then kindly adjust with this post........