Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bachchpan Ke Din..

Like many others even i have had a totally fun filled and awesome childhood...like many i have had my routines too... lying to mom to not go to school,pretending as if u r ill when you have not done your homework, running away from mom when she got you milk , stealing mangoes from trees from neighboring building....

Everyone has his/her own story to narrate.. we may have many many things but certain few stay forever in our minds and hearts...
so i put up my part here..

.. making greetings for your dad's birthday and keeping it in the place where he will look first when he is awake...

.. coming from school and so happily narrating the whole day's happening to mom..

.. when we used to used Camlin flora pencils and the Natraj sharpeners and Smiley erasers

.. saving money to gift your mom with a nice perfume or dad with a pen..

.. fighting with brother just because he took your pencil and lost it somewhere..

.. waiting for clock to strike 4 o clock so that you can escape from doing loads of homework. and go to play till its late night..

.. game for us used to be hide and seek , river and mountain, running race, colour colour which do u want, fire and the mountain RUN RUN RUN!!, blind man's buff etc..

.. TV was meant for Chayageet on Sundays night 9pm and Mougli at 12 pm on Saturdays.

.. lying on the terrace and gazing at the uncountable stars..

.. stealing biscuits from kitchen to feed the puppy in the building..

.. colouring and painting was like a ritual daily..

..tables were like nightmare two ones are two... two two's are four..

..outing on weekends was visit to temple and a dinner outside at a small Udupi hotel.. followed by an vanilla cup ice-cream..
.. used to beg mom to give 5o paise to get Jumbo chewing gum..

..bribe to do the homework was a visit to garden in the locality..

.. playing Kitchen Set was the only worth thing we did in the vacations

..when we never wore flashy clothes .. the only dress was frocks which i wore with Love in Tokyo tucked to my hair (even i dunno why did they call it so)..

.....when we laughed at silly things.. we fought because your friend didn't let u play the game.. and tat anger was for fraction of seconds..
when we enjoyed every bit of life may what come.. we laughed, we cried we shared , we cared..

the Song in Taare Zaamen Par rightly says: "Bachachapan ke Din Chaar , Na Ayenge Baar Baar, Jeele Jeele Mere yaar, Jeeb Khali toh Udhar.. :) :)


Akila Iyer said...
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Wewake said...

this comment has been forced 2 write. hehehehe.
i njoyed each an every sentence because it reminded me of my childhood. how i used 2 fight with ma sibling, begging in front of my parents etc..............
viewers plz post a comment she is need of tht. heheheehehehe

Unknown said...

how easily & beautifully u have jotted down ur? in fact every body's childhood in this blog just with the help of certain words..
way to go.....keep ds spirit up.